Thursday, January 13, 2011


I have had a really off week this week. First, I missed Wimba. I could have sworn it was supposed to be on Wednesday. I even told other people that I would see them in Wimba on Wednesday. I went to Wimba Wednesday, and waited, wondering why there wasn't anyone there. Talk about feeling silly. I had spent over an hour before that watching the iMovie tutorials, and was ready for Wimba. Then today (Thursday), I started watching the rest of my tutorials on Lynda, and thought I better check the assignment again, as I have been slightly off already. Good thing I did! I didn't realize we needed 3 posts. So hence, my first post today.  Here I am heading off to from my IGoogle ETC page (yes, I am glad we had to do that, as it does make navigation much easier).
Here is the shot of my progress so far. I am finding these tutorials very informative. The last couple of classes that I have had to do an imovie assignment, I have really had to muddle through. I am looking forward to trying out what I am learning. Have a great night, and I will see you tomorrow with another post (if I don't lose anymore brain cells by then)!

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