Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 1 - Reading

This weeks reading assignment was very much on target for me.  I am in the library, and am asked copyright questions all the time.  This was very helpful.  I was amazed at the fact that copyright lasts a lifetime plus 70 years! WOW! That is one long time! It is a good thing that someone came up with fair use! Teachers would be in so much trouble if fair use was not around! Another thing that I thought was that those rappers with all the profanity and sexual innuendos throughout their music should be glad that someone would even consider using any of it.  I won't even subject myself to listening to that in the first place, let alone "borrowing" any of it! I am really behind in the times, as I have never heard of Danger Mouse and the album "Grey". I also did not realize that Nigeria was so involved in the music industry.  I really liked the "Fairy Tale" using the Disney characters! That was my favorite part.


  1. Cheryl,

    When you had said that you have been asked about copyright a lot of times...that really hit me hard...because I have never even thought about copyright probations until this class. I really need to use my resources because I should be questioning this to my librarian as well because we stress the importance about citing our sources but I never really knew there was such a difference between using another persons work due to copyright issues and laws that are out there. Thanks for shining the light on over here to make me really notice the resources I have around me and that I need to take advantage of them.....
    I agree with a lot of your posts..about the copyright time periods as well as how much I enjoyed the Disney fair(y) tale. They both were very enlightening but I must say that hands down I agree with you about how much of the current age of music is engulfed with swearing and sexual innuendos. It is really scary with what our children are being opened to...but to think of it another's good know what is out there and be able to speak to our students in a way to help them see the light that they need to know what is right and wrong and appropriate and not appropriate. If we don't teach them this...they will never know and our communities will continue to see these ideas and thoughts as a norm in our lifetime. I don't think it is always the best to block out the bad things in life...because we need to be able to knowledgeable in these areas to make others knowledgeable as well. Just a thought and thanks for sharing :)


  2. HELLO,

    I also was impressed by the amount of time that a copyright last. I always wondered why most of the hymns in the hymnals are public domain, probably because the composer wrote it more than 70 years before now. It is also amazing to me how much can be copyrighted.Thanks so much for sharing your take from the required videos.

  3. Cheryl,

    I can not agree with you enough about Fair use!!!! Being an educator, this has saved me on many occasions!! I started laughing when you mentioned that you are asked frequently about copyright laws!!! I must ask our librarian at least three times a week and I have been teaching for 18 years! I just want to make sure that I am not violating copyright! People work hard to create works so they must be protected from those who are thieving because they do not want to take the time to create things on their own!!! I have to agree with you about the music. I do not know why anyone would want to copy this music let alone pay a fine for copying this ear tearing music of today!!!!!

    Cindy Price

  4. Cheryl,
    I must say, I am one to continuously ask about copyright because I always get too engulfed in the project, and forget what I'm allowed to do. When I taught the Research class, I took my students over to our librarian every marking period for a refresher on copyright so that they understand what they can and can't do in our projects. Funny enough, we used the Disney video as well at the school I taught at!

  5. Great observations. I don't know about you but I'm okay with the idea that some music isn't for me. Onward and upward.
